Friday 26 November 2010

Marjerin hanya kekurangan SATU MOLEKUL untuk menjadi PLASTIK fakta yang salah..


Marjerin hanya kekurangan SATU MOLEKUL untuk menjadi PLASTIK. Fakta ini sahaja sudah
cukup membuatkan saya mengelak dari memakan marjerin seumur hidup saya dan
setiap barangan yang melalui proses
hidrogenasi (ia bermakna hidrogen ditambah, mengubah struktur molekul

dipetik daripada

jangan mempercayai 100 peratus dengan kenyataan di atas. kenyataan tersebut ternyata palsu dengan sokongan kenyataan ini..

berikut sebuah kenyataan dalam web lain..

Fourth, you need to consider the molecules that make up a plastic. What you want to look for is not just the same molecules, but how they are arranged together. If you do some research on that subject, you will see that butter and margarine are very similar. They are just arranged differently. So if you say margarine is one molecule away from being a plastic, than butter would be to. Since we know that isn't true we can discount that statement.


bagaimana susunan molekul mengikut web yang lain...

It is not true that margarine is "but ONE MOLECULE from being PLASTIC," and, even if it was, this doesn't mean that eating margarine is like eating plastic (though some would argue it tastes like it). Many items in nature are chemically similar to one another, but that doesn't make them similar in appearance or effect. It's not the molecules that a substance is made of that defines it, but rather how those molecules are arranged.

Both butter and margarine contain fats, which are basically groupings of the elements carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. The difference is how those atoms are bonded together. (Naturally occurring fatty acids generally have one "cis" orientation, meaning both hydrogen atoms are on the same side as the carbon atoms. Trans-fatty acids, logically, have a "trans" orientation, meaning that at least one hydrogen atom is opposite the carbons. Essentially, the molecules making up both butter and margarine contain the same atoms, just in different configurations. Margarine has much more in common chemically with butter than it does plastic.


tidak dapat dipastikan mengapa mereka membuat kenyataan tersebut...

mungkin untuk memenangkan sesebuah pihak..

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